Carnegie Mellon University

The founding partners for C2E2 are Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern Universities. We invite other organizations focused on cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship to join us by becoming no-cost partners in C2E2. C2E2 would then become a “one-stop” source of information for emerging cleantech innovators and entrepreneurs.

Potential C2E2 partners include universities, incubators, accelerators, foundations, business, industry, non-governmental and other organizations interested in sharing information on cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship.   

Being a partner involves no more than contributing or distributing educational content or information to make faculty, students, and others aware of the C2E2 website as a centralized source of information.  This can be on your website, newsletters, social media, etc. To sign up, please fill out the information in this form.

C2E2 partner membership is not meant for individuals, but we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter.